Classrooms - Aditya Pharmacy College

All the classrooms of the college are well furnished with all modern facilities. Each classroom houses a large area and is designed with optimal room for natural light and air. There are sufficient classrooms for regular teaching alone and a number of other rooms like the Audio-Visual rooms and Resource rooms to facilitate better learning. All these facilities enable the teachers to teach in a unique and innovative manner which makes the students feel involved in the teaching - learning process and improves the pace and quality of learning. Further the students are exercised to prove their skills by allowing them to give presentations during the class work. To make the students have better access of all the concepts that they have to present, the faculty have provided a date-wise schedule of the topics. With a view to arousing an interest in the students towards comprehension of processes, situations, developing rational thinking and having an open discussion amongst themselves, we choose some videos and PowerPoint presentations which help the students understand the process / situation. Therefore the students watch them enthusiastically and participate actively in the ensuing discussion. However our traditional system of using the black board, whiteboard and notes taking is also given adequate importance to ensure the students knowledge growth.

Classrooms :
S NO Classroom Name Course Name view
1 Room NO: 101 M.Pharmacy view
2 Room NO: 102 M.Pharmacy view
3 Room NO: 113 B.Pharmacy view
4 Room NO: 115 B.Pharmacy view
5 Room NO: 018 B.Pharmacy view
6 Room NO: 208 B.Pharmacy view
7 Room NO: 210 SEMINAR HALL B.Pharmacy view
8 Room NO: 216 B.Pharmacy view
9 Room NO: 305 B.Pharmacy view
10 Room NO: 306 B.Pharmacy view
11 Room NO: 307 B.Pharmacy view
12 Room NO: 309 Pharm.D view
13 Room NO: 310 Pharm.D view
14 Room NO: 312 Pharm.D view
15 Room NO: 313 Pharm.D view
16 Room NO: 314 Pharm.D view