Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Entrepreneurship Development Cell was established in Aditya Pharmacy College with a view to foster the entrepreneur skills among the students. The purpose of this Cell is to support the students to transform their innovative ideas into new products and services for the betterment of the society with the provision of infrastructure and technical support .The EDC also assists all the aspirants with mentoring, planning and execution of their start up idea into a real business. The Cell also organizes different activities and events from time to time to train and motivate the students on entrepreneurship. From the position of job seekers, they get ordained as job givers.
Organize entrepreneurship awareness camps, business growth programmes, and skill development programmes.
Organize competitions for business plans.
Arrange & face to face to face programmes between students and entrepreneurs.
Initiate unique student projects for the development of new products.
E-week celebrations should be planned.
Assist and guide future entrepreneurs through the process of starting, growing, and managing a new business.
Organize guest lectures by successful entrepreneurs and create a forum for professional and student entrepreneurs to interact.
Students with business ideas can be mentored by placing them under the supervision of entrepreneurs as part of a mentorship programme.
Organize faculty development programmes to educate college faculty on the relevance of entrepreneurship in real life, corporate life, and the country & conomic progress.
Publish an entrepreneurship newsletter twice a year.
Roles and Responsibilities
The committee & Coordinator is in charge of convening meetings and setting an agenda for discussion before conducting every meeting
The committee & Coordinator is also in charge of ensuring that each member has submitted and kept track of all required papers
To write and distribute the meeting s minutes
Working of the committee :
The committee needs to prepare the planning and scheduling of event for the academic year. (Tentative dates to be included in the academic calendar of the college)
The Coordinator of the committee shall conduct informal meetings at regular intervals to discuss and allocate tasks.
Circulars for the student members, mentioning he event/activity/seminar, date, time and venue will need to be prepared and displayed in the college premises once approval is given either by the Coordinator or Principal.
The procedure to organize events is as follows:
Obtain formal permission from the College authorities to arrange programme.
Motivate students to enrol to the programme.
Decide date, time and agenda of the programme.
Inform members of faculty and students about the event.
Prepare notice board displays/invitations/brochures etc,.
Committee Members